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Medisan ; 26(4)jul.-ago. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405834


En este artículo se resaltan las cualidades humanas y otros aspectos de la vida de quien fuera Vicedecana Académica de la Facultad de Estomatología y posteriormente Directora del Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas de Santiago de Cuba, en el período de abril del 2014 hasta abril del 2022. Se destacan los logros alcanzados a lo largo de su quehacer, desde que inició en la Universidad Médica hasta nuestros días, así como su valioso aporte a la docencia y a la formación de diversos grupos de educandos, además, se realzan los avances alcanzados en la revista MEDISAN en su etapa de Directora del Centro de Información hasta el día de su feliz jubilación.

The human qualities and some other aspects of the life of the Academic Vice-dean of the Estomatological Faculty and then the Head of the Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences from Santiago de Cuba are highlighted in this work, in the period from April, 2014 to the same month in 2022.The achievements reached during her working life, since she began in the Medical University up to the present, as well as her valuable dedication to the teaching and training of different groups of students are presented, besides compiling achievements in journal MEDISAN during her leadership as Director of the Provincial Information Center up to the day of her happy retirement.

Women , Famous Persons , Schools, Medical , Periodical , Information Centers
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358333


La pandemia por COVID-19 ocasionó diversas afectaciones en el mundo, entre ellas la saturación de información en los medios de comunicación tradicionales y en los de divulgación científica, debido a la producción acelerada de material informativo. En el Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, el personal bibliotecario ha contribuido a la selección cuidadosa de documentos, ya que brinda servicios de información especializada al personal de salud para apoyarlo en actividades académicas, educativas, docentes y de investigación. En el contexto del distanciamiento fìsico, la necesidad de contar con información actualizada y veraz sobre el nuevo coronavirus se convirtió en una prioridad. En este sentido, el personal bibliotecario enfocó sus esfuerzos en llevar a cabo estrategias que permitieran brindar servicios de información especializada vía remota al reforzar los servicios de referencia, como la alerta bibliográfica y la Diseminación Selectiva de Información, a fin de hacer llegar a los usuarios, de forma oportuna, sencilla y ágil, información actualizada, confiable y de calidad sobre la COVID-19. Estos servicios han sido bien recibidos por los usuarios, pero aún es necesario sistematizar el otorgamiento de servicios de información para identificar cuáles documentos son de mayor interés y utilidad.

The COVID-19 pandemic caused various effects in the world, among them the saturation of information in the traditional media, as well as in those of scientific dissemination, due to the accelerated production of informative material. At the Mexican Institute for Social Security (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social), librarians have contributed to the careful selection of documents as they are in charge of providing specialized information services to health personnel in order to support them in academic, educational, teaching and research activities. In the context of physical distancing, the need for up-to-date and accurate information on the new coronavirus became a priority. In this sense, librarians have focused their efforts to carry out strategies that would allow to provide specialized information services remotely, reinforcing reference services such as bibliographic alert and Selective Information Dissemination, to reach users in a timely manner, simple and agile, updated, reliable and quality information on COVID-19. These services have been well received by users, but it is still necessary to systematize the provision of information services to identify which documents are of greatest interest and usefulness.

Humans , Librarians , Information Dissemination , Selective Dissemination of Information , COVID-19 , Information Services , Teaching , Health Strategies , Communications Media
Medisan ; 24(1)ene.-feb. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1506722


Con este artículo se quiso realzar las cualidades humanas y el quehacer científico de Mirtha Yris Cedeño Rodríguez, bibliotecaria médica santiaguera, quien durante su etapa laboral se caracterizó por una actitud digna en la atención a numerosos profesionales de diversas especialidades biomédicas, mediante asesorías, docencia, búsquedas bibliográficas, entre otros servicios bibliotecarios, con lo cual contribuyó, desde su modesta tribuna, a la formación de ellos y a la mejoría de la salud pública en Cuba. Actualmente está felizmente jubilada.

With this work we wanted to enhance the human qualities and scientific daily tasks of Mirtha Yris Cedeño Rodríguez, medical librarian from Santiago de Cuba who was characterized by a worthy attitude in the service to many professionals of diverse biomedical specialties during her working years, by means of consultancies, teaching, literature searching, among other librarians services, with which contributed, from her modest tribune, to their training and improvement of the public health in Cuba. At the moment she is happily retired.

Information Centers
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 23(4): 406-412, oct.-dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091067


RESUMEN Arribar a medio siglo de existencia representa para cualquier institución la expresión de una fructífera vida profesional y la oportunidad de meditar sobre el camino transitado. El sistema nacional de información de ciencias médicas surgió en 1965, y la primera institución fuera de la capital del país fue el Centro Provincial de Información de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, que se constituyó en 1969. En estos años de labor el Centro ha crecido en: recursos humanos, instalaciones, medios tecnológicos y servicios que se brindan a los usuarios; sus proyecciones se han revolucionado en sintonía con el desarrollo científico-tecnológico. El crecimiento de la red de bibliotecas, la atención técnica y metodológica realizada, la creciente labor de superación profesional desplegada, la inserción de las tecnologías en la actividad científico-informativa y la producción de numerosos recursos y servicios digitalizados, son elementos que caracterizan la historia de esta institución.

ABSTRACT Reaching half a century of existence represents for any institution the expression of a successful professional life and the opportunity to meditate on the road traveled. The national information system of medical sciences emerged in 1965, and the first institution outside the capital of the country was the Provincial Information Center of Medical Sciences of Villa Clara, which was constituted in 1969. In these years of work the Center has grown in: human resources, facilities, technological means and services that are offered to the users; its projections have been revolutionized along with the scientific-technological development. The growth of the network of libraries, the technical and methodological assistance, the growing work of professional improvement, the insertion of technologies in the scientific-informative activity and the production of numerous resources and digitalized services, are elements that characterize the history of this institution.

Information Management , Information Centers
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 23(4): 398-405, oct.-dic. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1091066


RESUMEN Los Centros Municipales de Información en la provincia de Villa Clara se crearon para fortalecer la estructura del Sistema Nacional de Información en Salud. Su propósito inicial fue garantizar el aseguramiento informativo y científico-técnico que requerían los profesionales y técnicos en la atención primaria de salud. La provincia emprendió de inmediato las acciones técnico-metodológicas necesarias para materializar progresivamente esta tarea; el primer territorio donde se fundó este tipo de institución fue en Caibarién, cuya posterior denominación fue Bibliotecas Municipales de Referencia. El desarrollo de estas se ha caracterizado por la efectiva implementación de los continuos procesos de transformación, la introducción de las nuevas tecnologías, la preparación de sus recursos humanos y la implementación de nuevos programas para el desarrollo de competencias informacionales.

ABSTRACT The Municipal Information Centers in Villa Clara province were created to strengthen the structure of the National Health Information System. Its initial purpose was to guarantee the scientific-technical and information assurance required by professionals and technicians in primary health care. The province immediately undertook the technical and methodological actions necessary to carry out this task progressively; the first territory where this type of institution was founded was in Caibarién, whose later denomination was Municipal Reference Libraries. The development of these libraries has been characterized by the effective implementation of continuous transformation processes, the introduction of new technologies, the preparation of their human resources and the implementation of new programs for the development of informational competencies.

Information Centers , Libraries, Medical
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-205730


Objectives: In this study, we aimed to analyze the cost of network drug information services at the Ministry of Health (MOH) hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Method: In this study, we simulated the 2-month cross-sectional survey data of all drug information centers at the MOH hospitals. Any drug store that has provided services to the healthcare professionals and the public participated in the questionnaire. National, regional and local drug information centers in the healthcare institutions participated in this survey. All type of hospitals or primary care centers (e.g. public, pediatric, maternity and psychiatry) were included in this study. The survey consisted of two parts: the first part collects demographics data and the second part analyzes the cost of activities of drug information centers. The clinical activities were derived from the model of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). The type cost consisted of related central drug information activities, the cost of the patient-centered drug information activity and the cost of Administrative drug information activities. All cost used US dollar currency. Results: The survey was distributed to 60 drug information centers and a total of 46 centers responded to the survey; the response rate was 76.66%. Most of the hospitals (11 (23.9%)) had 100–199 beds and the others (11 (23.9%)) had 200–299 beds. The total daily cost of drug information activities was 6,002.18 USD. The highest cost of drug information activities was central drug information activities (2,654.69 USD (44.23%)) followed by the administration of drug information activities (2,280.59 USD (37.99%)) and patient-specific drug information activities (1,066.9 USD (17.77%)). The highest daily cost of drug information activities among central drug information center was responding to drug information inquiries ((536.24 USD)) followed by the residential training ((9274.46 USD)) and pharmacist’s training ((263.14 USD)). Conclusion: The central activities of drug information centers costed the highest. Expanding the services to patient-specific activities will decrease morbidity, mortality and justify cost analysis at MOH hospitals in Saudi Arabia.

Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 26(1): 109-119, jan.-mar. 2017. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-953302


Objetivo: descrever casos de tentativa de suicídio por exposição a agentes tóxicos registrados pelo Centro de Informação e Assistência Toxicológica em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Métodos: estudo descritivo com dados secundários sobre casos registrados em 2013. Resultados: foram registrados 410 casos; 56,2% dos indivíduos eram do sexo feminino e 79,7% tinham de 12 a 39 anos de idade; a maioria (86,4%) residia em áreas urbanas e 67,2% em Fortaleza; em 94,9% dos casos o local de exposição foi o domicílio; os agentes tóxicos mais envolvidos nos casos foram praguicidas (42,9%), principalmente agrotóxicos (30,2%), medicamentos (39,5%) e saneantes de uso doméstico (3,4%); das 16 tentativas de suicídio que resultaram em óbito, 15 foram ocasionadas por agrotóxicos. Conclusão: o estudo evidencia que a ingestão de agentes tóxicos, especialmente os agrotóxicos, é um importante método utilizado em tentativas de suicídio, sendo fundamental a integração das ações de promoção e de prevenção nessas ocorrências.

Objetivo: describir los fármacos utilizados y analizar los factores asociados a la polifarmacia en ancianos de Aiquara, Bahía, Brasil. Métodos: se trata de un estudio transversal, censo, realizado en febrero de 2014, a través de entrevistas con formularios estandarizados. Resultados: entre los 272 ancianos entrevistados, 53,3% utilizaban la medicación prescrita y solamente 31,6% al menos un medicamento sin receta médica; la prevalencia de polifarmacia fue 29,0%; los medicamentos cardiovasculares fueron los más utilizados (n=390; 37,6%); en análisis ajustados, los factores asociados a la polifarmacia fueron sexo femenino (OR=2,20 - IC95% 1,11;4,35), seguro de salud privado (OR=2,18 - IC95% 1,05;4,55), haber sido hospitalizados en el último año (OR=2,34 - IC95% 1,1;4,65) y auto-reporte de cuatro o más enfermedades (OR=3,18 - IC95% 1,60;6,29). Conclusión: hubo una alta prevalencia de polifarmacia, asociada al sexo, plan de salud privado, tener cuatro o más enfermedades auto-reportados y haber sido hospitalizado en el último año, con un mayor uso de fármacos cardiovasculares.

Objective: to describe cases of suicide attempts by exposure to toxic agents registered by the Toxicological Information and Assistance Center in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Methods: this is a descriptive study using secondary data of the cases registered in 2013. Results: 410 cases were registered; 56.2% of the individuals were female and 79.7% were between 12 and 39 years old; most of them (86.4%) lived in urban areas and 67.2%, in Fortaleza; in 94.9% of the cases, the exposure took place in the individual's own home; the toxic agents most commonly used were pesticides (42.9%), especially for agricultural use (30.2%), medicines (39.5%) and house cleaning products (3.4%); of 16 suicide attempts that resulted in death, 15 were caused by agricultural pesticides. Conclusion: the study shows that the intake of toxic agents, especially of agricultural pesticides, is a common method used in suicide attempts; the integration between actions of promotion and prevention are essential.

Humans , Male , Female , Pesticides , Poisoning , Suicide, Attempted , Pesticide Exposure , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Information Centers
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 41: e115, 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-961627


RESUMEN Objetivo Este estudio tiene como objetivos 1) crear conciencia del volumen de información en salud existente en la web de calidad, 2) explorar la percepción de profesionales de la información con relación al uso de fuentes cualificadas en la toma de decisiones en salud, y 3) presentar recomendaciones que permitan fortalecer las capacidades de los trabajadores de la salud y las competencias institucionales relacionadas con la alfabetización digital. Métodos Se realizó un estudio no experimental descriptivo transversal con una muestra no probabilística de 32 profesionales de la información de nueve países. Se recopiló información de internet sobre el volumen de contenidos existentes en herramientas web, redes sociales y fuentes de información en salud. Se realizaron búsquedas en inglés y en español utilizando las palabras clave Ebola, Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya, Safe food, Health equity, Safe sex, y Obesit. Por último, se obtuvo información sobre la oferta de formación formal en temas de alfabetización digital, gestión de información y otros relacionados. Resultados Seleccionando sólo cuatro enfermedades de alto impacto en salud pública en mayo de 2016 y promediando un tiempo de revisión mínimo de cada producto de información, se tardaría más de 50 años seguidos sin dormir para consultar todo lo publicado en línea sobre Dengue, Zika, Ebola y Chikungunja. Conclusión Se concluye que la salud pública se beneficiaría con instituciones de salud que implementaran estrategias formales de gestión del conocimiento, con instituciones académicas de ciencias de la salud que incorporaran programas formales de alfabetización digital y con trabajadores de la salud cuyo desarrollo profesional sea responsable y funcional en la sociedad de la información.

ABSTRACT Objective The objectives of this study were to: 1) raise awareness of the volume of quality health information on the Internet; 2) explore perceptions of information professionals with regard to the use of qualified sources for health decision-making; and 3) make recommendations that facilitate strengthening health worker capacities and institutional competencies related to digital literacy. Methods A non-experimental, descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted with a non-probability sample of 32 information professionals from nine countries. Internet information was compiled on the volume of content in Internet tools, social networks, and health information sources. Searches in English and Spanish were carried out using the keywords Ebola, Zika, dengue, chikungunya, safe food, health equity, safe sex, and obesity. Finally, information was obtained on opportunities for formal education on the subjects of digital literacy, information management, and other related topics. Results Selecting only four diseases with a high impact on public health in May 2016 and averaging minimum review time for each information product, it would take more than 50 years without sleeping to consult everything that is published online about dengue, Zika, Ebola, and chikungunya. Conclusion We conclude that public health would benefit from: health institutions implementing formal knowledge management strategies; academic health sciences institutions incorporating formal digital literacy programs; and having health workers who are professionally responsible and functional in the information society.

RESUMO Objetivos 1) Conscientizar sobre o volume de informação em saúde de qualidade existente na internet, 2) explorar a percepção dos profissionais da informação sobre o uso de fontes qualificadas na tomada de decisão em saúde e 3) fazer recomendações para reforçar o preparo dos profissionais de saúde e as competências institucionais quanto à alfabetização digital. Métodos Foi realizado estudo transversal descritivo não experimental em uma amostra não probabilística com 32 profissionais da informação de nove países. Foi coletada informação da internet sobre o volume de conteúdos existentes sobre ferramentas de internet, redes sociais e fontes de informação em saúde. Foram realizadas buscas em inglês e espanhol utilizando as palavras-chave Ebola, Zika, Dengue, Chikungunya, Safe food, Health equity, Safe sex, e Obesity. E foi obtida informação sobre a oferta de cursos de formação em alfabetização digital, gestão da informação e outros tópicos relacionados. Resultados Com a seleção de apenas quatro doenças de alto impacto em saúde pública em maio de 2016, com tempo de revisão médio mínimo para cada produto de informação, seriam necessários mais de 50 anos contínuos, sem intervalo para dormir, para consultar todo o conteúdo publicado online sobre dengue, zika, Ebola e chikungunya. Conclusão Conclui-se que existiria benefício para a saúde pública se as instituições de saúde implementassem estratégias formais de gestão do conhecimento, as instituições acadêmicas de ciências da saúde incorporassem programas formais de alfabetização digital e os profissionais de saúde investissem em desenvolvimento profissional responsável e prático na sociedade da informação.

Information Management , Information Management/organization & administration , Health Communication
Gac. méd. espirit ; 18(1): 55-63, ene.-abr. 2016.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-780684


Fundamento: La consulta y referencia es un servicio que se presta en las bibliotecas y dentro de sus bondades está la diseminación selectiva de la información que se encarga de mantener actualizado a los profesionales de las Ciencias Médicas la que suministra periódicamente las referencias de los documentos que corresponden con sus intereses cognoscitivos. Objetivo: Diagnosticar las competencias informacionales que tienen los bibliotecarios de las ciencias médicas para la diseminación selectiva de la información en la provincia de Sancti Spíritus. Metodología: Se realizó una investigación transversal en el periodo de enero a noviembre de 2014 en la red de bibliotecas médicas; con una muestra compuesta por 57 bibliotecarios, se eligió mediante un muestreo estratificado. Se recogió información sobre el nivel profesional de los bibliotecarios, la implementación del servicio de diseminación selectiva de la información y la utilidad del mismo, además de aquella relativa a los documentos utilizados por estos profesionales para enviar la información, así como sobre las bases de datos bibliográficas utilizadas y medios que empleaban para obtener los datos de la tarjeta control de usuario y bases de datos bibliográficas. Los datos fueron procesados mediante el paquete estadístico profesional SPSS (versión 15.0.1, SPSS Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). Resultados: Se observaron carencias de competencias informacionales, fundamentalmente, técnicas y metodológicas, para desarrollar el servicio de diseminación selectiva de la información, por lo que al buscar y evaluar la información que entregan a los usuarios del servicio es insuficiente no en cantidad sino en calidad. Conclusiones: Los bibliotecarios de las Ciencias Médicas de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus no tienen suficientes competencias informacionales para ofrecer el servicio de diseminación selectiva de la información y refieren la necesidad de cursos de superación.

Background: The consultation and reference is a service that is lent in the libraries and the selective dissemination of the information that takes charge of maintaining is inside its kindness up-to-date to the professionals of the Medical Sciences that gives the references of the documents that correspond with its cognitive interests periodically Objective: To diagnose the informational competitions that the librarians of the medical sciences for the selective dissemination of the information in the county of Sancti Spíritus Methodology: It was carried out a traverse investigation in the period from January to November, 2014 in the net of medical libraries; with a sample composed by 57 librarians, it was chosen by means of a stratified sampling. Information was picked up about the professional profile of the librarians, the implementation of the service of selective dissemination of the information and the utility of it, besides that relative to the documents used by these professionals to send the information, as well as on the used bibliographical databases and means that were used to obtain the data of the card user control and bibliographical databases. The data were processed by means of the professional statistical package SPSS (version 15.0.1, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USES) Results: Lacks of informational competitions were observed, fundamentally, technical and methodological, to develop the service of selective dissemination of the information, for what is insufficient when looking for and to evaluate the information that is given to the users of the service not in quantity but in quality Conclusions: Librarians of the Medical Sciences of the county of Sancti Spíritus doesn't have enough informational competitions to offer the service of selective dissemination of the information and they refer the necessity of overcoming courses.

Universities , Education, Professional/statistics & numerical data , Education, Graduate/statistics & numerical data , Statistics
Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine ; : 93-99, 2011.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-131106


PURPOSE: This study investigated the compliance of the general public to the guidance conveyed by hospital emergency medical information centers. METHODS: This study included the incidences of inquiry on hospitals and clinics to Busan Emergency Medical Information Center by the general public for a 2-week period from January 4-17, 2009. Information obtained included general characteristics, time of hospital arrival and departure, length of hospitalization, hospitals visited, and treatment outcome. RESULTS: A total of 939 incidences of hospital guidance to the general public were examined. The degree of compliance was 71.2%, the ratio of the primary and secondary facility that the participants visited were 88.6% and 93.5% of the participants in this study were discharged from hospitals after their visit. Patients who complied with the information received displayed a shorter period of hospitalization than non-compliant patients. CONCLUSION: Emergency medical information centers may help ease the unnecessary use of emergency rooms by providing information on diseases to the general public and effectively distributing medical resources with guidance to proper hospitals according to the degree of symptoms.

Humans , Access to Information , Compliance , Emergencies , Emergency Medical Services , Hospitalization , Incidence , Information Centers
Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine ; : 93-99, 2011.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-131103


PURPOSE: This study investigated the compliance of the general public to the guidance conveyed by hospital emergency medical information centers. METHODS: This study included the incidences of inquiry on hospitals and clinics to Busan Emergency Medical Information Center by the general public for a 2-week period from January 4-17, 2009. Information obtained included general characteristics, time of hospital arrival and departure, length of hospitalization, hospitals visited, and treatment outcome. RESULTS: A total of 939 incidences of hospital guidance to the general public were examined. The degree of compliance was 71.2%, the ratio of the primary and secondary facility that the participants visited were 88.6% and 93.5% of the participants in this study were discharged from hospitals after their visit. Patients who complied with the information received displayed a shorter period of hospitalization than non-compliant patients. CONCLUSION: Emergency medical information centers may help ease the unnecessary use of emergency rooms by providing information on diseases to the general public and effectively distributing medical resources with guidance to proper hospitals according to the degree of symptoms.

Humans , Access to Information , Compliance , Emergencies , Emergency Medical Services , Hospitalization , Incidence , Information Centers
Nucleus (La Habana) ; (42): 3-6, jul.-dic. 2007.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-738897


La gestión del conocimiento tiene el propósito de conservar y orientar las competencias claves de cualquier organización al desarrollo de productos y servicios con alto valor científico y tecnológico agregado, como respuesta proactiva a un entorno dinámico y complejo. El Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica e instituciones nucleares de los Países Miembros reconocen que el uso pacífico de la tecnología nuclear descansa en la acumulación del conocimiento nuclear y que su gestión efectiva se orienta al aseguramiento de la disponibilidad continua de información científica y tecnológica y del personal calificado. Recientemente instituciones nucleares cubanas también han iniciado proyectos orientados a la implementación de procesos de gestión del conocimiento organizacional y nuclear. En este trabajo se presentan retos y perspectivas para la gestión del conocimiento nuclear en Cuba y en el contexto mundial.

The knowledge management has as one of its goals to keep and to drive the key organizational competences to the development of products and services with high scientific and technological value, as proactive reply to a dynamic and complex environment. The International Atomic Energy Agency and nuclear institutions of Member Countries recognize that the pacific use of nuclear technology is supported on the nuclear knowledge collection and that its effective management is oriented to guarantee the continuous availability of scientific and technological information and high qualified people. Recently some nuclear Cuban institutions have started some projects to implement nuclear and organizational knowledge management process. In this paper some challenges and perspectives are presented for the nuclear knowledge management in Cuba and in the world context.

Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine ; : 443-449, 2007.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-227807


PURPOSE: WHO (World Health Office) and WADEM (World Association of Disaster Emergency Medicine)have recommended that all countries should complete their preparedness for CBRNE disasters (chemical, biologic, radiological, nuclear, and explosive disaster) within a few years. To establish whether a biologic or chemical disaster plan is most appropriate in a given situation, essential information regarding biologic materials and chemicals should be provided to emergency personnel as rapidly as possible. METHODS: We prospectively investigated information systems operated by government bodies in Korea. We obtained data about toxic material information systems of Korea by contacting individuals in charge of toxic material information systems at seven government agencies between April and July 2007. RESULTS: There was no single toxic information system designated as a repository for all toxic material data in Korea. Instead, data were distributed among 9 institutes in 6 government cabinets. Moreover, redundant data were independently stored at four different cabinets or ministries the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy; the Ministry of Labor; the National Emergency Management Agency; and the Ministry of Environment. Because each ministry or cabinet handled toxic material information system according to its own laws or legal guidelines, there were effectively eight sets of rules for toxic materials. CONCLUSION: Nine institutes in six government bodies were found to be operating computerized information systems for toxic materials independently, and four government bodies had redundant chemical information. In order to establish a central toxic material information center, a uniform set of guidelines for toxic materials should be established. Doing so, would result in financial savings, and improve the quality of information.

Academies and Institutes , Commerce , Disasters , Emergencies , Government Agencies , Income , Information Centers , Information Systems , Jurisprudence , Korea , Mass Casualty Incidents , Prospective Studies
Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine ; : 9-16, 2003.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-97143


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to use a review of the regional disaster that occurred on April 15, 2002, to improve the National Disaster Medical System and to operate the Disaster Medical Assistance Team and the Mobile Emergency Support Unit better. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 39 survivors among the 167 victims of the Air China aircraft crash, Kimhae, Korea, on April 15, 2002, by using reports of the on-site disaster medical assistance team members, recordings of notifications to the Busan and the Kyoungnam 1339 Emergency Information Centers from the scene of accident, and medical records of the victims transported to hospitals. RESULTS: On the date of accident, April 15, 2002, 27 of the 39 survivors were transported to 5 hospitals in Kimhae and 12 were transported to 8 hospitals in Busan. On the next day, April 16, two patients who had been transported to hospitals in Kimhae were transferred to medical centers in Busan. One of them expired, and the other was subsequently transferred to a medical center in Seoul and expired on May 2, 2002. CONCLUSION: Still now, our National Disaster Medical System contains many problems, especially lack of cooperation between related parts, and insufficient communications. This study shows that we should recheck our National Disaster Medical Dystem and construct a cooperative Police, Fire defense organization, 1339 Emergency Medical Information Center, and regional medical service system.

Humans , Aircraft , Airports , China , Disasters , Emergencies , Fires , Information Centers , Korea , Medical Assistance , Medical Records , Police , Retrospective Studies , Seoul , Survivors
Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine ; : 523-529, 2002.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-147252


PURPOSE: The purpose of this research is to estimate the recent function and the correct situation of the 1339 Emergency Medical Information Center and to recommend a future direction. METHOD: The operational results from the Taegu 1339 Emergency Medical Information Center from January 1, 1992, to December 31, 2001, were analyzed and compared retrospectively to the operational results from three other 1339 Emergency Medical Information Centers. The results were analyzed according to the numbers of phone calls for various purposes, numbers per population, numbers per bed, and numbers per square kilometer in the area. Answers to five questions obatained by phone calls to personnel working at 1339 Emergency Medical Information Centers in various areas in Korea were anaylzed, too. RESULTS: In the case of Taegu 1339 Emergency Medical Information Center, simple telephone inquiry is accounted for 66.8% of the calls, requests for hospital information 27.1%, consultations for diseases 4.6%, and connection to ambulances 1.5%. Seoul 1339 Emergency Medical Information Center had the highest rate of first aid consultations (42%) and the lowest rate of requests for hospital information (38.5%). Seoul center had the highest numbers of total phone calls per population, per bed, and per square kilometer in the area. Rate of connections to ambulance per bed was the highest at Busan center. In the phone call survey of personnel working at 1339 Emergency Medical Information Centers, 65% answered that the extent of use of the Information Center was low. The main reason was the lack of assistance from hospitals and 119. No personnel opposed to the integrated information management of all 1339 Emergency Medical Information Centers. CONCLUSIONS: The functions of the 1339 Emergency Medical Information Centers should be rebuilt to respect the characteristics of specific regions and should be harmonized with integrated management. A correct, useful, realtime supply of information is required, and the mutual confidence between Emergency Medical Information Centers and related institutes is essential.

Academies and Institutes , Ambulances , Emergencies , First Aid , Information Centers , Information Management , Korea , Referral and Consultation , Retrospective Studies , Seoul , Telephone
Acimed (Impr.) ; 9(1): 88-99, ene.-abr. 2001.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-627714


El V Congreso Regional en Ciencias de la Salud, la III Reunión de Coordinación de la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud y la VIII Reunión del Sistema Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud, que tendrán lugar en La Habana del 23 al 27 de abril del 2001, constituyen un marco propicio para dar a conocer, en apretada síntesis, la labor del Centro Nacional de Información de Ciencias Médicas de la República de Cuba en sus primeros 35 años; y para consignar el merecido reconocimiento a varias generaciones de trabajadores que han hecho posible la consecución de sus logros. Estos apuntes históricos se han preparado precisamente a partir de los testimonios de algunos protagonistas de estas conquistas, así como de la bibliografía relevante sobre el tema. Con el presente ensayo se aspira además a que la actual generación de profesionales, técnicos y demás trabajadores de la información en salud, se inspiren en el ejemplo de los que le antecedieron al cumplir la tarea que hoy día les corresponde, de hacer más visible el bien ganado prestigio de este bastión del Sistema Nacional de Salud.

Notes for the history of the National Center of Information on Medical Sciences of the Republic of Cuba The V Regional Congress of Information on Health Sciences, the III Coordination Meeting of the Virtual Health Library and the VIII Meeting of the Latin American and Caribbean System of Information on Health Sciences will be held in Havana City, April 23-27, 2001. This will be a propitious framework to make known, in a synthesized way, the activity carried out by the National Center of Information on Medical Sciences since it was founded 35 years ago, and to recognize the meritorious work of several generations of workers who have made possible the achievements attained by this Center. These historical notes have been prepared based on the testimonies of some protagonists of these conquests, as well as on the study of the relevant bibliography on this topic. We pretend with this essay that the present generation of professionals, technicians and other workers of the health information field be inspired by the example of those who preceded them and fulfill the task of making more visible the well-gained prestige of this bastion of the National Health System.